
What Are Succulent Picture Frames?

When most people think of framing, the first thing that comes to mind is art. But this is not the only use for a frame. In fact, frames can be the artwork in and of themselves. A great place to start is creating your own vertical garden with a succulent picture frame.

Why frame succulents in your home?

Succulent plant frames are an enjoyable way to add greenery and life into your home. As a go-to for first time plant parents, these succulents are slow growing and require minimal water. This makes succulents ideal for indoor environments, especially in Australia’s dry and warm climate.

Succulents have also been found to have a number of health benefits. They can help to purify the air and even improve humidity in your home.

But above all else – creating a succulent frame is fun! They come in a variety of colours and types, allowing you to have all the enjoyment of gardening in a small space, whilst expressing your creativity and personal style. Once you get started, be ready to have a wall full of living frames.

How to make a succulent picture frame

A DIY succulent frame can capture the attention of anyone who comes over to your home. We have outlined the process step-by-step to get you started.

Select your frame

When it comes to choosing a picture frame, the world is your oyster. You have no limits for height or width. However, we do recommend hardwood for longevity. You should also consider using a frame with depth to give your succulents room to breathe and flourish.

We recommend recycling an old picture frame that you no longer have use for. If it’s made from quality materials like all of our picture framing options at Frame Today - they should have no trouble being repurposed into their second life!

Create a frame backing for your succulents

Now that you have your frame ready to go, you need to prepare it for your succulents. Start by removing your frame’s glass and backing board. Staple chicken wire across the back of the frame to help hold your plants in place. If you are using a wider frame, put the backing board into place.

For narrower frames, drill in a DIY box onto the back of your frame before adding the backing board. This will give your plants room to grow. Afterward, fill your frame with a soil that suits your succulents of choice.

Place your succulents into the frame

Time for the fun part. Make numerous succulent cuttings. On a flat surface, poke holes into the soil with a pencil and place in the succulent, stem-first. This will allow your succulents to grow and thrive.

You can design your succulent frame in any way you like, creating a unique and personalised succulent design.

Water your plants and let it rest

After you have finished your design and watered your succulents, it can be tempting to admire your work straight away, but this can do more harm than good. It is recommended to leave your frame resting flat for 2-6 weeks to allow the roots to grow and take hold before hanging up your finished masterpiece. Make sure to not water your plants again until after the second week.

Display your succulent picture frame

It is finally time to decorate your home. Use sturdy hooks to hang your succulent picture frame and make sure that it is easy to take on and off the wall whenever the plants need watering.

If you are unsure about how to best hang your new succulent picture frame, Frame Today offers affordable and easy-to-install hanging solutions. One of our qualified framers will be happy to assist.

Start your succulent vertical garden today

Whether you are starting a new craft project with your children or indulging in a personal passion project, there has never been a better time to start your succulent frame garden.

You can browse our range of brand-new frames online or visit us in-store to speak to one of our consultants. We know frames!

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